Angler Rankings

We currently have data for 66,910 anglers. It would be possible to list them all here, but it's probably easier to search for a particular angler. Just start typing an angler's name into the search box, then click or use the down arrow to highlight the angler within the list.

Pro Anglers

Includes MLF Bass Pro Tour, MLF Cup Events, MLF Redcrest Championships, MLF World Championships, BASS Elites, Bassmaster Classics, FLW Tour, and FLW Forrest Wood Cups.

Updated daily at 4:15 AM CST.

Minor Level Boaters

Includes BASS Northern Open, BASS Central Open, BASS Southern Open, FLW Northern Costa, FLW Central Costa, FLW Southeast Costa, FLW Texas Costa, FLW Western Costa and FLW Costa Championship events.

Updated daily at 4:15 AM CST.

Ladies Tour Boaters

Includes LBAA events.

Updated daily at 4:15 AM CST.

Bass Rankings Suspends Site

After eight years, the team behind Bass Rankings has made the tough decision to suspend the site indefinitely.
Learn more