The Johnston brothers, Cory and Chris, have been dominating northern tournaments for years. Case in point, the two have won the last three Angler of the Year titles in the FLW Costa Northern Division (Cory in 2015 and 2016, Chris in 2017). Yet, while the older Cory has tasted victory by himself in some minor-level
Glenn Browne
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Movers & Shakers: Forrest Wood Cup Fallout
We showcase where Jacob Wheeler would fit into the world rankings after his incredible Forrest Wood Cup victory, while breaking down how the Cup shifted things around for the rest of the field.
Movers & Shakers: Green Bay, Champlain Fallout
David Dudley’s on a tear, Jonathon VanDam added another trophy to the family case and there were some major shake ups in the rankings after the Green Bay and Champlain tournaments. Man, what a weekend!
Movers & Shakers: Potomac fallout
The tides of the Potomac sent some fluctuations through the rankings, with David Dudley taking over the top spot and Brent Ehrler falling out of the top 10.
Data Overload: Beaver and Douglas
We crunch the data to find the favorites in both Majors events this weekend: The BASS Elite Series and Douglas and FLW Tour at Beaver.