David Dudley’s on a tear, Jonathon VanDam added another trophy to the family case and there were some major shake ups in the rankings after the Green Bay and Champlain tournaments. Man, what a weekend!
Jim Moynagh
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Movers & Shakers: Kentucky Lake, Toledo Bend Fallout
Two Major events means twice the shake-ups this week as we see how the Elite Series event on Toledo Bend and FLW Tour event on Kentucky Lake shifted the anglers around in the Majors World Ranking.
Movers & Shakers: Shuffling in Majors Top 10
A 2010 FLW Tour event dropped off, causing some shuffling in the Majors World Ranking.
Movers & Shakers: Potomac fallout
The tides of the Potomac sent some fluctuations through the rankings, with David Dudley taking over the top spot and Brent Ehrler falling out of the top 10.